Saturday, August 8, 2009

Day One Deemed a Success

With 475 miles behind us, everyone agreed that day one was a very good day. It was not necessarily as expected, but much fun none the less. We hit nearly zero traffic and made Canton, OH by 2:30. Unfortunately, the crowds for the enshrinement ceremony (read every odd Buffalo Bills fan imaginable - Molly included) forced a 30 minute detour to get to shuttle parking. Once at the hall it was discovered that it was closing at 5:00 not it's usual 8:00. A wierd scramble ensued with some of us enjoying the hall for the last hour before closing and others getting to sit in an Apache helicopter and other serious Army equipment.

We all arrived at the campsite for a spaghetti and meatball dinner and a nice evening around the fire. The kids crashed early and hard. Now if the kid in the tent next to us will stop screaming, all will be good.

Things Forgotten

All of Mariann's Paperwork (reservations, directions, etc)

Tickets for enshrnement ceremony

Molly's Socks

Sarah's IPod

Walkie Talkie charger

Great Quotes

"do we know where we are going?" - Theresa (5 minutes into trip)

Tomorrow, we hit the Indiana Dunes National Park where there is a supposed 200 foot dune called "Mt. Baldy". I'll be keeping my hat on...



Unknown said...

Mt Baldy seriously rocks! I used to go there a few times a summer when I lived in Chicago. Hope your legs are feeling in shape! Ooh - great outlets nearby called Lighthouse Place. Take Molly. She can buy some socks.

Jeryl Bier said...

I'm not much of a camper, but spaghetti and meatballs around the campfire? I didn't see THAT coming!


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