Saturday, August 15, 2009

What's so Crunchy?

Two days ago we arrived in Yellowstone National Park, miraculouly with everyone we left with (albeit barely). We immedialy spotted some elk an other animals, like buffalo, geese, and big horn sheep. on the way to Old Faithful, we got held up by what we thought was construction traffic, as it had held us up a half an hour the previous night, until we inched forward and discovered it wasn't consruction at all, but a BUFFALO meandering along the shoulder. The traffic was caused by the slowing of cars so that people could gawk at the beast.
The bet has been long running of when Chelle would be left, and in what state. She's made it thus far but it's Theresa who was nearly left. On our second day in Yellowstone we wandered around seeing sights and checking out the animals. When we got to the Upper Falls of the Grand Canyon (of Yellowstone that is) we were all pretty tired. It was the last stop of th day and it had ben a long one. That day we had't taken the van, we all piled into the RV. With so many people it was crowded and no one noticed that we were missing Theresa. She had 'wanted to walk in the woods' and 'it didn't seem like it would be longer than what we were walking'. Well, it had taken longer and we began pulling away, her abence no even registering. Until that is we heard through the window "Are you guys leaving without me?!". Whoops. Guess we'll be taking rollcall from now on.
We've been looking out for different animals and its gotten to the point where a buffalo or an elk are no longer a big deal. As we were drivin we spoted a large animal with antlets drinking aloe out of the river. A MOOSE! was yelled throughout the RV, we all began scrambling around, grabbing cameras and pushing toward the windows. Sophie began singing loudly "There was a great big moose! WHo liked to dink a lot of juice!" The chaos was incedible until...we discovered it was just a oner elk. No one took picures and we all sat back down, even the singing stopped. The elk not being a moose was a major downer.
Well, we're pulling out so I guess it's time to end this.


sramer said...

Poor Theresa. . . .with no glasses I'm surprised she found the RV. . . .and the right one!! Molly hasn't called me so I guess Chelle is holding her own. I want to know if anyone has had to shell out $10 yet!!!

Unknown said...

Why am I here in NJ??????

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